Kayla's Story

Kayla lost her children, and has spent a lot of time fighting to get them back. Both of her girls were in the Foster Care system now, and things were not going as they should.
She was located in Omaha, but relocated to Sioux City to be closer to her girls. She was living in a hotel during the whole process, and that was not affordable.
She came into our care. She will admit, it was intimidating at first. Luckily she came from a long line of praying women, so she knew exactly where to turn.
God was able to help her and her family in that time. What she had feared to be true, finally showed it’s face, her children were being abused, and she was awarded custody of her youngest daughter.
She is now looking for a home for her family to stay in, and be safe in. Her hope is to possibly become and employee of The Gospel Mission, to help more women like herself.
Kayla admits, our program is a strenuous one, but the growth she gained from the program was worth it! We have rules, and they must be followed. It was painful to see the other women have to leave for not following the rules. BUT once they came back, they fully understood.
She can see God’s hand in every step of her life. She is the first person in her family who has successfully beaten drug addiction. She believes she would not have been able to do so without the help of The Gospel Mission.
Her boyfriend is spending a short amount of time in jail. BUT in doing so, he is also digging deeper into The Word. Once he is out, they will continue to work on life together, but separate until they are married. They intend to do it “the right way”.
Kayla is originally from Southern Georgia. She plans on attending Nursing School. She has worked her entire time staying in our care. She is hopeful she can also help the other residents gain the success she has.
Kayla’s favorite bible verse is Romans 8:28. The entire book of Romans is near and dear to her heart.
Please pray that Kayla and her entire family continue to grow closer to our Lord. Cannot wait to share an update on her and how well she is doing!