2024 Impact Report
Justin came into our care with an addiction to alcohol and he has now remained sober for over 9 months. That is the longest he has gone without a drink since the alcohol addiction took over his life. Justin began attending Elevate Church. One of the first times he attended, the pastor was …
My story actually started August 11, 2024. I was evicted from my apartment in Springfield, Missouri. My brother paid for an occasional hotel room, but I ended up on the streets with my dog. My church sent me up to Sioux City on a bus. That was a 27 hour bus ride. I made it up at here at 8am, my …
Homelessness is a complex issue. It would be nice if the issue could be easily understood and/or easily solved. The Gospel Mission’s approach resonates with me in so many ways. One key aspect the Mission provides is structure in a person’s life – lights out time, wake-up time, meal times, assigned …
Kayla lost her children, and has spent a lot of time fighting to get them back. Both of her girls were in the Foster Care system now, and things were not going as they should. She was located in Omaha, but relocated to Sioux City to be closer to her girls. She was living in a hotel during the whole …
Jerry was baptized Sunday April 14th at Central Baptist Church here in Sioux City, Iowa. We couldn't be prouder of him!! He says he feels more positive ever since his baptism. To him, baptism is a public declaration of your belief and love for Jesus Christ. Jerry enjoys going to his church …
Yuri hit a low point in his life recently due to his addiction to alcohol. He has been battling this addiction since he was a young teen. When he relapsed in March 2023, he began a downward spiral. He had to be hospitalized to detox. He entered treatment to try and gain sobriety. That relapse …
Premiere Bankcard has been a longstanding supporter of The Gospel Mission. For the past 13 years, they have volunteered each month to serve lunch and work at our Thrift Store and Donation Center. They've also been a faithful financial partner, recently blessing us with a generous $2,500 …
Crystal was born in Cherokee, Iowa. Her family moved to Connecticut when she was a toddler. While there, The Salvation Army came to the complex to let them know of church services they were offering. Her and her 3 siblings began to attend church on a regular basis. Quite a few years later …
Amy is our Resident Case Manager. She started working at The Gospel Mission in January of 2023. She said it has always been a dream for her to work with people in need. Amy helps our residents the most by being a friendly face for them to talk to daily. She listens to them, and their needs. They …
Please enjoy this interview with Pastor Jim Wilson. Our new Director of the Men and Men with Children's Shelters.
Katrina was living "The American Dream". Her and her husband were in Georgia at the time, they had the beautiful home with a nice yard. A very LOVED dog named Emma Jean filled this house with so much fun! Katrina and her husband worked together at a hotel, she was the head of housekeeping, and he …
God Had Big Changes in Store for Donavon Donavon thought the rest of his life was set in place. He was married to a wonderful woman, his construction career was booming and his house in Kansas City was almost paid off. Then his wife passed away unexpectedly at home and everything changed. Unable to …
James was born in Atlanta, GA. But with his love & passion for music, he has moved to over 33 states in the last 300 days. He moved to Iowa for a relationship, which later turned toxic. He found himself at The Gospel Mission. He has lived at other missions he says, but none are like The Gospel …
In April, Crystal Carrillo-Ealy found her way to The Gospel Mission. Originally from Omaha, she came to Sioux City to take care of her sick aunt and uncle who were like parents to her. When her uncle passed away, she wanted to stay in the area to continue caring for her aunt. Crystal had been in …
Ken would tell you he came to The Gospel Mission in September 2021 by “accident.” He was driving through Sioux City when his truck broke down, and while waiting for it to be fixed, he was mugged and had to go to the hospital. After they stitched him up, an officer brought him to the Mission. “I …
We interrupt our regularly scheduled posts to say goodbye to a dear friend. Pastor Timothy Hall has been our chaplain and Director of the Single Men with Children’s ministry for 5 years and was on the board of directors before that, from 2014 – 2017. Today is his last day at The Gospel Mission …
On the third Wednesday of every month, The Gospel Mission holds our special Friends In Need chapel service. This is a service where we invite community members who need a little extra help to our campus to receive the Word of God, as well as food, vouchers to our thrift stores and basic, everyday …
The Gospel Mission has been ministering to the Siouxland community since 1938. Founded by Henry Plumer, it began as a safe haven for railroad men to get off the streets and out of the bars on Lower 4th Street in downtown Sioux City and hear the Word of God. Over the past 84 years, The Gospel …
"I was on the Board when the idea of opening a single men with children shelter was first brought up. And, I'll admit, I thought it sounded pretty crazy at the time", reflects The Gospel Mission Executive Director, Pastor Paul Mahaffie. "But, I will be the first to admit I was wrong." For the past …
This past year, The Gospel Mission was honored to be the recipient of three Farmers to Families Food Box trucks. The Farmers to Families Food Box Program was designed to put American farmers and distributors back to work while addressing increased demand at food banks, community and faith-based …
The Gospel Mission is excited to announce the opening of our third thrift store location at 1901 Cornhusker Drive, South Sioux City. The Siouxland Chamber of Commerce and South Sioux City Chamber of Commerce will be holding joint Ribbon Cuttings to kick off the day. Previously the Salvation Army …