Lost 1/2 of Me

Katrina was living "The American Dream". Her and her husband were in Georgia at the time, they had the beautiful home with a nice yard. A very LOVED dog named Emma Jean filled this house with so much fun! Katrina and her husband worked together at a hotel, she was the head of housekeeping, and he was the maintenance man. They were blessed to be able to spend so much time together in those days.
The two of them were getting ready for a cook-out they were planning on having the next day. As they were changing out of their work uniforms, Katrina's husband had a massive heart attack. He died in her arms. Katrina was paralized with shock, sadness. She had lost her soul mate, in that instant. She went down to one paycheck, and slowly watched her world crumble around her. She would lose her job, her house, and her beloved dog Emma Jean.
She did not believe she would make it, she slipped into a very deep, dark depression. Katrina had a son in Sioux City that asked her to move closer to him. His home, however, was not a healthy one for her. With her issues of a broken heart, and the issues he was having of his own, it was too much chaios for Katrina to gain her health again. It almost made things worse for her. She felt she would be better off dead. Where should she turn?
Katrina had heard about The Women with Children's Shelter at The Gospel Mission. She went there to try and start over. They took her in, fed her, gave her clothing, made her aware that she was not alone, and that God had a special plan for her, and that He loved her.
She has even gained a job with The Thrift Store at The Gospel Mission. She thanks God that the employees of The Gospel Mission helper her, and they were all put in her path. She's grateful for all the people who contoured her life, through the painful, shattering moments she endured. She has learned more about the word of God through our Mission. She is prayed for daily, walked aside daily, and she is counseled daily.
She prays she finds herself again, but for now, she is still learning. She has nowhere to go from here but UP! She is grateful she is no longer alone. She has allowed Jesus into her life, helping her to get back onto her feet! She thanks God for eveyone who has helped her. She has also found a loving home in The Elevate Church.
"For everyone who had a part in helping me, I don't think I would have made it without you, I will forever love, and thank you. God bless you." (Special thanks to Gabriel, Caroline, Aerial, Michaela, Adrienne, Rebecca, & Ashley)